At the iconic Castleton Tower in Utah, two generations of climbers meet. Lynn Hill, living climbi...

At the iconic Castleton Tower in Utah, two generations of climbers meet. Lynn Hill, living climbing legend and first-ever human to freeclimb the Nose on El Capitan, before her counter parts on the trip, Juliane Wurm and Anna Stöhr, could even walk. What unites them is their love for a life lived in the vertical. Outside The Box is available as part of @europeanoutdoorfilmtour Basecamp Episode 4 now at

All registrations confirmed before the end of March at are also entered in to our free prize draw to win streaming tickets to @europeanoutdoorfilmtour Basecamp Episode 4. With total entry fees of £21-71, NO fundraising commitment, and NO cost to any charity, ever, now’s the ideal time to register to take part

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